
what is possible, if the space permits...

artists for humanity, boston
union machine works, 534 clay st, oakland



Blogger dbackman said...

Artists for Humanity is a non-profit arts program in Boston that pays Boston public school students to make art. They employ between 50 and 100 teens in painting, sculpture, photography, silkscreen, graphic design and architecture studios to work on both personal and commissioned projects. I worked there as a student throughout high school and was a painting mentor there for two summers during college. It is my inspiration and primary model for the program I would like to start in Oakland. Check them out at www.afhboston.com.

The second image is an abandoned warehouse near Jack London Square that I think has a lot of potential to house a program such as this. It is the site of the former Union Machine Works, and consists of two brick buildings sharing a party wall. I became fascinated with this place over the summer while working at Pro Arts Gallery across the street. This nieghborhood is one of a few in Oakland that are reaching critical mass to be taken over by artists. This phenomenon is fascinating to me but also has a lot of moral ambiguities. More on this later...

12:20 PM  

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